It has been a while, we are back with yet another amazing composer to dig deeper into his latest released work, this week Chris is interviewing the Norwegian composer Haakon Davidsen about his work for the game Evil Wizard, the episode touches deep into the process and how it feels to create music with a red thread, yet trying to get areas to sound original without being too similar, and what is up with looking at Viking ships?!

This and so much more in this weeks episode of Gameable Audio Podcast.

As an extra note as Chris forgot to announce this in the podcast, the amazing Haakon have donated a Steam code for the Evil Wizard, this Steam code will be raffled out to one lucky patreon backer on Monday the 17th of July, so if you are interested in the game, then do make sure to become a Patreon.

Music in the episode: 

    1. Evil Wizard – The Main Hall
    2. Evil Wizard – Outside in the patio
    3. Evil Wizard – The Beast Tamer
    4. Evil Wizard – Axel Van Gibsons concert
    5. Evil Wizard – Remageths showdown

Support the podcast through Patreon
Haakon Davidsen’s Homepage
Haakon Davidsen’s Twitter
Haakon Davidsen’s Instagram
Haakon Davidsen’s YouTube
Listen to Evil Wizard OST on Spotify
Purchase the Evil Wizard OST on Bandcamp

Voices of the episode:
Christofer ”ChrisX” Schenström
Haakon Davidsen

Listen here:



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